How To Create a 7 Figure Evergreen Webinar Funnel

by | May 16, 2022 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

this funnel converts

In this video from my YouTube channel I breakdown all the essential pieces of a converting 7 figure evergreen webinar funnel.

We have worked with multiple 7-figure evergreen webinar funnels, and they are fantastic tools when you can get them working.

But getting them to convert really well can be a ton of work.

So I’m going to map out for you all of the different pieces behind the best funnels that we’ve worked with so you can make the whole process a bit easier for your business… let’s jump in! 🚀

What’s up? So in this video, what we’re gonna do is break down all of the pieces of a successful evergreen webinar funnel.

So at this point at the agency, we have worked with multiple seven figure evergreen webinar funnels, and these things are fantastic tools when you can get them working. But getting them working can be a lot of work. And I don’t think until I really got to work inside of businesses that had built seven figure, evergreen webinar funnels, I really understood all of the components and the pieces that make these types of funnels work. And so what I wanna do in this video is I’m gonna take you over to my computer, and I’m gonna map out for you all of the different pieces behind the best funnels that we’ve worked with. Because one thing I can tell you, and the difference between a lot of the funnels that I’ve seen, that don’t convert. And a lot of the funnels that I see do convert is what people are doing after people opt in and what’s happening on the backend.

So that’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna jump over to my screen and I’m gonna show you every single step of a successful converting evergreen webinar funnel. So what I did here is I mapped out all of the different steps for your webinar funnel. And I’m gonna walk you through each one step by step. Most of these, you already have seen, but some of them, I think, especially on the back end, you might not have. And so let’s look at every single one of these at the very beginning, not super surprising. What you have is a landing page. So this is your webinar registration page, your ending page, where you are sending people to actually sign up for your webinar. And as you can see here, you can drive traffic from all kinds of sources. So we have successfully run webinars on YouTube, Google search, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, a lot of organic emails, a lot of organic traffic can go to these webinar funnels.

So you really not restrict to where you’re driving traffic from. As long as you’ve got an audience, you’ve got their attention and you want to move them into your webinar registration, uh, you can do that. We have definitely seen as a lot of these have growled. You might end up with multiple webinar registration pages. So maybe you find that one works better on YouTube than it does for Facebook. So maybe you’ve got some different webinar pages. Don’t think you have to have just one. But there’s gonna have to be some core way people that get in. And so when people opt in, obviously you send them to a thank you page. I think one of the big things that I’ve seen on this thank you page that can really help. A lot of people is actually optimizing what this page is. So a I’ve seen too many companies the on the thank you page say, Hey, thanks for registering, check your email or something like this.

This is a great opportunity to build your authority and get people to show up. So what a lot of companies will do on this page that do really well short videos, basically whoever the presenter is talking to the registrar person who registered talking about why they should show up and then, and show up bonuses. So a lot of the really big companies that we’ve worked with that have successful webinars are giving away some type of bonus, some type of incentive to actually show up to the webinar. And you can let people know about that here on the thank you page. We’ve also seen that work well just on the, the registration page. And then re-emphasizing that on the thank you page. Once somebody opts in this is where your email sequence kicks in and you wanna make sure you have a really good email sequence to get people, to show up, oftentimes what works best at what, what can really help improve the overall performance.

Your convert of your webinar is getting more people to actually show up to the webinar. And so you wanna obviously confirm with people when they’ve registered, that they’ve gotta, uh, how to get in when that time is all of that stuff. And then the emails leading up to that are reframing them about what they’re gonna learn, why this is important, why they need to show up. And so we’ve seen anywhere are from like four to seven email sequences, reframing people and getting them to understand why they need to show up this webinar, depending on how far out they’re registering. And then you’ve got your attendance, uh, attendance emails. So these are the Hey webinars starting an hour. Hey, the webinars starting in 10 minutes, Hey, the webinars starting right now. And really at this point, you’re just trying to make sure that again, you’re getting people to actually show up.

So I’ve got here that this is a live webinar. Uh, maybe your webinar is live. Maybe your webinar is evergreen, but the either way, there’s a specific time that somebody signed up for this thing. And so this is where you just wanna make sure that they actually show up for that thing. We’ve definitely seen conversion rates for people who show up at the time that registered are typically better than someone who catches the replay later. Because the number of people who realistically don’t show up and then actually watch the webinar are much less than the people that show up 35% to 50% of the people you want actually showing up to the webinar at the time that they registered. Now, this is one of the really big things that I’ve seen for companies that do really out with this is if somebody does not show up, if somebody does not show up to the webinar, you have, your did not show up, need to catch the replay sequence because realistically, most people, if they don’t watch the webinar, they’re probably not gonna buy it.

You have the sell. So the important thing first is getting them to actually consume that. So if somebody did not, did not show up, then you can have a sequence that go out and sends them the replay. And that’s when you are giving them the webinar replay and getting them to engage. And then that would then trigger the next sequence, which is, Hey, they watch the webinar and now they need to buy. And so if someone shows up onto the live webinar at the end of the webinar, we will push them typically to a sales page. Um, if you’re doing high ticket, we see people push people to a phone call, usually anything above three K at the end of the webinar, they’re pushed to a phone call, anything below I would two K three K would be pushing it. Uh, you could send people to a sales page.

So what we see here is a big email sequence to get people to buy. Again, this might be anywhere from three to 10 emails for someone who actually watched the webinar in order to push them into purchasing. And so you can see here also, we can like run bottom of the funnel, hot retargeting ads, the people who show up to the webinar and consume it and get them to go to the sales page. Um, here we can either, if we’re driving to a high ticket, we have a phone call, uh, if not, we put ’em on the sales page, but eventually they go to the order firm. They buy. That is the ultimate goal. Again, one of the big things that I see for companies that do really well with these is how they treat the leads that don’t buy, because the reality is if you’ve got a 35% to a 50% show up rate, and then you’ve got a two to a 5% conversion rate on your webinar, most people that sign up for the webinar are not going to buy.

That’s just how the number workout. So what you do with those leads becomes very important to your profitability. So if people don’t buy, uh, they, with companies that we see that do this really well, drop them into an engagement sequence where they’re continually sending them content that relates back to what the core product is. Uh, and what is the opportunity that they’re selling that helps people solve the problem that they have. And so here, it’s a lot of story based content, a lot of educational based content, where they will send people emails, and then also, uh, video pages. So additional bonuses, additional trainings drop those on a landing page, have videos underneath that. There’s a call to action and where that call to action always leads to is back to the sales page. And so they’re sending out a bunch of content and probably 70% of this information is, is educational or, or story based and then making offers and getting them back to that, uh, back to the sales page.

Again, you can have long term retargeting here. So this is probably some of the retargeting. That’s easier to run inside of accounts because depending on how many people that you have running, uh, going through your funnel, um, if you have a big audience of a few thousand people who did not buy over a few months, you can just have long term retargeting campaigns that are sending people to landing pages like this, that have a video on it with a call to action underneath that, send people back to the main offer. And so this is one of the biggest things that I have seen that help companies who do this really well, which is having a long term sequence for people that don’t buy. So that’s the whole run through here. Again, the most important thing to figure out is looking at each step of the process and what are the conversion rates to each step?

What’s your landing page conversion rate. What’s your show up rate? What is your sales purchase rate and figuring out how you can use the different resources you have at your disposal, whether that’s email marketing, uh, whether that’s the offer, whether that’s adding incentives, bonuses to get people to move to the next step, because with a lot of these funnels, especially the biggest ones that we’ve worked with, they’re someone back there optimizing these, optimizing these things to make them work better. A lot of people set these things up once and then they start running ads, or they run it to some audience. And when it doesn’t work the way they want it to, they kind of get upset and throw their hands up and say, webinars don’t work webinars do work really well. If you have the right offer and you set things up, right? And you go through the process of optimizing each one of these steps.

So if you’re landing pages converting it 15 to 20%, you’re doing pretty good. If it’s below that, figure out where you can optimize your landing page, uh, if your show up sequence, if your show up rate is 35 to 50% great. If it’s lower than that, or if it’s on the lower end of that, figure out how you can get more people to your webinar. And then if your webinar just keep improving the actual, uh, the actual camp presentation itself, keep improving the follow sequence and keep figuring out how to monetize that list of people and that database of people who are signing up for that topic. You have, cuz the more people convert, the more, uh, higher the, the earnings per lead that you can get on the funnel and the more you can grow your business using these types of funnel. So I hope you found this useful and, and I hope that you got to see something new about how the money really is in the follow up with these types of campaigns. But if you have any questions, please just feel free to drop them in the comments below and I will catch you in the next video.


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