How to Make $40,000 Every Month With Just 1,000 Followers

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Building An Online Business | 0 comments

Brice Gump showing phone with Paypal transfer on it, $40,000

A lot of people have millions of followers on Social Media platforms, but in reality, they are broke. However, I have just around 1,000 followers, but I still end up making more than $40,000 per month. Watch this video from my YouTube channel to find out my secret content strategy, which would solve your question of how to achieve $40k per month without going big on Social Media.

This guy is a social media influencer and he has over a million followers. This guy is not a social media influencer and he has less than a thousand followers. Who do you think is making more money? If you thought it was this guy, you’re wrong. The chances of this guy and this guy making the same amount of money are equal. If you know what I’m about to show you in this video right here because making money online does not require a ton of followers. Everyone thinks you need a huge following in order to make money and that is just not true. You can make a great income with less than a thousand followers. And again, that’s what I’m gonna show you how to do in this video right here. So what I’m gonna do is break down the five steps that I have used to make over $35,000 a month with less than a thousand followers.

Now the first and most important part of all of this is you have to learn a high-income skill. There are certain skills out there that are just in demand and there are companies that need people that do these things. So what I’m talking about is media buying, copywriting, content creation, operations optimization, and automation. There are a ton of skills out there that just directly relate to helping people make money. Now, this isn’t gonna be the case if you’re super into like creative writing or crocheting or something like that. It’s not about something you’re passionate about. It’s about having a high-income skill that companies need and that they can attribute a direct ROI or a return on their investment when they hire you. That is super important about the skill that you have. But again, there are tons of these skills and like most things in life, once you actually start studying them and getting pretty good at them, they can be pretty fun.

One of the things that I have found out of all of these things when I try to learn them and expanding my skillset and all that stuff is you wanna do things that actually slant toward your personality type. So depending on whether you’re more analytical or creative, there are different options out there. And actually, so if you’ll just stick around to the end of this video, at the end of these five steps, what I’ll do is I’ll just tell you exactly how I figured out the way that my brain works and how to choose what skills are right for me. And you can actually just go take that same test and it’ll tell you how your brain is and what skills would be best for you. But again, like media buying, lots of companies need MIA buyers. That’s a huge in-demand skill right now.

Lots of companies need copywriters. That’s a huge in-demand skill right now. Content creation. Every company is trying to create content and there are so many different niches out there. Like I, I’ve seen a guy that literally just makes thumbnails for YouTube. There are people that just do TikTok ads. There are people who just do YouTube organic content, and people who just do blog posts. There are all kinds of different ways to get paid in content creation. So that’s a huge one. But if you can have one again that you can directly attribute back to an ROI for a company that is super helpful operations. So if you’re just a super operational process person, that is super in demand and if you can help companies optimize their operations, you can show them exactly how much time you’re saving them and every company knows what it costs them to do something. So if you’re saving them time, you are saving them money. So when you start thinking about skills like this, then what you can do is go find a high-value skill again, one that you’re interested in and you can learn that skill and go start getting clients with that skill. Now the second one here, after you have that high-income skill, is you need to find a group of people that you love working with. So this is basically the advice of you need to find a niche.

Now a lot of people really overthink this and a lot of people are really hesitant to like niche down into something. The thing is, you don’t have to do this in a day. You don’t get started and just pick your niche cuz that’s what you decided you wanted to do. The thing is you don’t have to get this right on the first try. Like when you’re getting started, what you wanna do is find your high-value skill, the thing you want to dedicate a lot of time and energy into mastering. And then you wanna find a group of people that you enjoy working with and you want to go try to get a couple of clients and start working with them using that high-income skill and providing them value and making them money. If you really like it then go find a couple more clients like that. If you don’t like it, you can shift.

I mean over the seven years that I’ve had my agency and the nine years I’ve been working online, I’ve worked in tons of different niches with tons of different industries and it took me a while to really find out which one I liked. I went into a couple that I didn’t like. I went back and now the one that I have today I really love working with and I think all of my clients are super cool but I didn’t figure that out on day one. Just thinking about it, I figured that out by working with a bunch of different companies doing what I was originally really good at, which was media buying. And then I figured out which one of these companies I liked working with best. One little trick I would give you with this though is like make sure that the companies that you’re working with have money.

That’s a really helpful thing to have when you’re trying to pick your niche because if they have money, they can pay you money. It’s really hard to get people that don’t have money to pay you lots of money. And the more money you can make someone, the more money they will happily pay you. So when I first got started, I actually worked with local businesses and the challenge I had with local businesses was I wanted to charge them more money. They just didn’t really have that much more money to pay me and they had a pretty fixed marketing budget that they weren’t gonna go over. So we were kind of in this predicament of like, they’re not gonna go over their marketing budget, I wanna get paid more. So what did I have to do? I just had to go find a different person to work with.

And today, you know, my first client, I think I charged ’em 800 bucks a month. Today our contracts start out at like $15,000. The big difference there, we’re still doing a lot of media buying, we’ve gotten a lot better at it over the years. But the big difference is who are we selling these media buying services to get your high-value skill, go find people you love working with and start working with them. And then this is where we’re gonna get into the content creation part. It took me way too long to start creating content. I waited years before I started creating content. And so what I’m sharing with you actually in this video is what’s been super helpful for me with content because once I started making content, everything got easier. The biggest thing to do is you want to pick a platform that you like something that suits your content creation style.

I like making videos so I’m doing YouTube. If you like writing, you could do different like Sub stack and there are different blogs and newsletters that people do these days. If you like short-form stuff, people do Twitter, people do TikTok, whatever it is, whatever you like making, just find one platform that you like and then go start making content for your audience on that platform. You can talk about what you know, you can talk about what you’re learning, you can talk about what’s been working for your clients, and what hasn’t been working for your clients. You can talk about case studies and a big one is answering questions that you get a lot of. So a lot of my content that I create literally comes from taking sales calls and people ask me questions all the time and then I turn around and write that down on my list and I go make content about that thing because I know that these are the questions that people in my market have.

And then I answer that question and then I’ll start using that content later on in this fifth step of this process. So that’s the big thing is like start making content about your journey, your process, what you’re doing with your clients, what’s working, what’s not working. Case studies, again, answering questions, you get a lot. You wanna start making that content and you wanna start populating it on one social media platform channel that you like. Again, I really love YouTube cuz I think video is the best and I just think YouTube’s probably the best platform for this. But if you hate doing videos, there are other options, right? You can grow a newsletter, you can do all kinds of things but you just wanna make sure that you’re starting to get a consistent building that habit and building that muscle of creating regular content. Now step number four, this is the one that most people didn’t tell me and I kind of had to figure this one out.

Well hey, if you’re making all this content, people are just gonna find you. They’re gonna start reaching out to you, you’ll start getting clients and that’ll be great. I have found that that is not the case, especially if you are in a space that is highly competitive. There are lots of other people who already have brands and reputations and they kind of stick out in the industry. And so what you need to do while you’re doing this is while you’re making your content is go find groups where your people hang out online and go start networking and connecting with people there. And I mean I find a lot of great people in Facebook groups, I found people in discord channels find people on Twitter, and a lot of paid communities I have found to be so helpful. So if you have to pay 25 or 50 bucks a month to get access to a group of business owners where they’re talking about ideas, around what you like in the industry that you work in, that’s a great idea because you’re getting into a group of people that there’s already a little barrier to entry cuz you have to pay some money.

But if you can afford 25, 50 bucks a month, it’s always worth it because now you’re starting to get to people who are serious and paying money. Once you start getting in there, you want ’em to start talking to people, networking, answering people’s questions. What you’re starting to do is instead of waiting for the search engines to show your content and you start ranking on YouTube, which is gonna take forever, you might do YouTube for a year or two before you start ranking, right? Look at our channel, we’ve got less than 700 people right now, but we get great deals and we get clients from our YouTube content. How? Because I go out and I network with people, I share my YouTube content, I share what we’re working on, and then they get to start consuming my content before we get to the sales process, which is the real key step in all of this.

Step number five is where we wanna start conversations. We actually want to get people in our pipeline and we want to sell them our high-ticket services. And this is where been out networking, we’re creating content, we’ve got a high-value skill, we know who we’re going after, we’re creating stuff specifically for them. Then we wanna start engaging people and having conversations. They like, Hey, you know, you sound like you have this problem, we wanna talk about this. I’m sure I can help you with this. And we actually wanna start having sales conversations in this process. We want to link them to our content and our resources because what I have found is when I didn’t make content and I would get on sales calls with people, I had so much friction to get them to work with me because they had never heard of me before.

They’d never consumed anything I’d ever created. And then I had to go from that to get this person to give me money and I had to build up a lot of trust and authority and that was very difficult to do on one or two sales calls. Since I’ve been creating content and using this strategy that I’m sharing with you right now in this video, what happens is people start watching 3, 4, or 5 hours of my YouTube videos before we get on a call. By the time we get on a call, they already know what I’m about. They already know what I do. They already know that I’m a like an authority and an expert in this space because they’ve seen a bunch of content that I have linked to them and resourced and sent them in emails and all of this stuff. Get them to consume more of that content and then the sales process is so much easier.

And the thing is if you have this high-value skill from step one and you’re selling a $ 3,000-a-month service, it is going to be way easier for you to make a livable income with just two or three clients than it is if you’re trying to create a social media channel, build up a huge following and then get people to just go and buy a one or $200 course without ever talking to somebody. That’s just gonna be a very difficult long path to actually making money, especially if you’re in a competitive space. And so again, what I have found is you find your skill, you find your market that you wanna work with, you create content, and then you actually go out and network with people and start trying to help them answer questions and share resources with them of your content. And then by the time that you get on a sales call with them and you’re having a conversation, they’ve consumed hours of your content or they’ve read a bunch of your newsletter or they’ve been on your newsletter for weeks, or whatever that is, by that time the sales conversation gets so much easier.

So this is actually how I get clients, right? A lot of people find me online through networking, through communities, through stuff that I’m a part of, and then they start consuming my content online. And by the time we get on a sales call, it is so much easier for us to sell them because they’ve just consumed so much of our content and they see us as experts authority in this space that is extremely competitive. So again, in summary, right? Go get a high-value skill. You wanna find people that you really love working with. You wanna start producing content that actually gives them value and answers their question showing you as an authority tell talks about what you’re learning. Then you wanna actually spend time every week going out networking, finding groups, finding places where business owners and the people you wanna work with hang out and then link to them those resources, and then when they seem to enjoy them, when they like them, get them on a call and start talking about them actually signing up for your full done for you services that you’re gonna do every single month.

So that’s it. That is actually my content strategy and how I do everything. And that’s how I actually make $35,000 a month or more with this little channel that you see right here that’s got less than 700 subscribers. Now, this one test that I found so helpful is there are a bunch of different personality tests out there for entrepreneurs. The one that I found really helpful is one called the wealth dynamics test. And I actually found this being a part of one of these paid groups that I told you about and everyone was talking about this wealth dynamics test and everyone was taking it. And what we found was like there was a certain group of people who were like mechanics, they’re more operations-minded. They’re those, those are the guys who are doing more like ops. There are accumulators and there are lords is what they call this.

You can look at this all up online on the wealth dynamics test. These people are typically more media buyers, they’re more analytical, and they look at numbers and spreadsheet strategies. This is like really where I fall. And then there are people who are like creators and stars and these are people who are typically copywriters and content creators. And so once I took this test, it really helped me realize to like lean in towards what I’m really good at, which is more of like analytical strategy data, all of that stuff, doing more media buying. I run a media buying agency, that’s why. And then I hire people who are copywriters, creators, want to do content, all of that stuff to get them to fill that gap because if I have to do that as well, it’s just very energetically taxing for me. I can write two emails in a day and then my brain’s exhausted,

Right? Versus I could pretty much be in spreadsheets all day long for clients and I’m a super happy camper. And so that wealth dynamics test for me was actually super helpful to figure out where I needed to lean my skills. Because before I was like, well, you know, should I be writing copy for people? Should I be doing media buying? Should I be helping people with their systems and processes? What should I be focusing on? And then once I took this test, it really helped show me that my brain is a great media buyer and then I can find other people to fill these gaps. So if you take that wealth dynamics test, he’s got a book, you could figure it out. You could read online. I think the test is like 97 bucks or something. So now you’ve got that whole breakdown of how I use content in order to actually get clients online with my high-value skill. Now again, one thing that we all know at this point is like building a large organic following takes a lot of time. And if you wanna get faster results, the best high-value skill that I have found for me is media buying. So if you wanna check out this video right here, this will actually show you how you can get started media buying even if you don’t have any experience all in this video right here. So click right there and I’ll see you in that video.


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