How to Develop High Performing Multi Channel Marketing Campaigns For Your Business

by | Feb 6, 2020 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

multi channel marketing

It wasn’t that long ago that you could be wildly successful by going in deep on a single marketing channel and completely dominating it.

Today, being dependent on just one marketing channel for your entire business is a bad idea.

Having multi channel marketing campaigns to grow your business is a must to gain traction for growing businesses.

When you do this right, a multi channel marketing approach targets the same customer base across multiple platforms and advertising mediums to increase your ability to convert more potential customers into real paying ones.

Today we’re going to dive into how you can develop multiple traffic channels for your business to make sure you can find traction and growth.

Using this approach is more complex than only developing a single marketing channel.

It requires you to understand the best channels for your products, how to reach the right customers and measure effectiveness across multiple marketing channels.

Getting this right has huge benefits to your business. 

But, it also requires time and resources into developing a new traffic channel. 

So this is not a decision you should rush into. 

Before you start pushing resources into a multi channel approach, let’s answer the big question…. 

Why would you want to have multiple marketing channels in your business?

Why Have Multiple Marketing Channels To Get Traffic

You do not want your business to be dependent on just one source of new customers.

Ultimately what could happen is overnight you can lose the main source of customers for your business and be left wondering what to do next.

This has happened with all of the big ad platforms out there.

Remember in 2016 Google decided to remove the sidebar ads on their search pages?

The search results used to look like this: 

multi channel marketing

Then from one day to the next they looked like this:

multi channel campaigns

Overnight the amount of real estate for search ads got cut down by 70%. 

Businesses that were 100% dependent on Google Ads suffered huge losses.

Imagine having to fire one of your employees because your sales revenue was cut in half when Google changed how they serve ads on their platform.

This happens all the time.

The same happens when companies are entirely dependent on Organic Traffic from Google Search results. 

The stories of websites losing 50 – 80% of their traffic overnight from a Google update happen every time Google makes an update to their algorithm.

And finally, I can’t count how many times I’ve talked to business owners who are entirely dependent on Facebook ads only to wake up in the morning with a notification that their account was shut down.

Good luck getting on the phone with Facebook and talking to someone about how to get that back.

The point here is that as you grow you need to take a smart and diligent action to create multiple channels of marketing so that you are not getting all of your customers from one place.

Let’s take a minute to understand a little more about how advertising works and what real world implementations could look like.

Interruption vs. Intent Based Advertising

One thing you want to understand here are the two different types of advertising – interruption and intent based.

Interruption marketing is an ad that, unsurprisingly, interrupts a person while they are going about another activity. 

Maybe they are watching YouTube videos when your ad pops up. 

Or looking at cat videos on Facebook when your ad slides into their newsfeed.

With the advanced targeting tools available to online marketers using interruption marketing means you can be highly effective at getting your product in front of the right people. 

You can hyper target ideal customer with the right message to tap into the massive amount of potential customers out there.

Intent based advertising is always more expensive but is highly effective.

These advertisements are shown to potential customers based on their expressed interest in a topic or keyword.

Imagine someone is online and they are searching for “freelance invoicing software.”

multi channel marketing campaigns

There’s no better place to show your ad than right there at that exact moment they are looking for the solution you are providing.

All advertising channels fall under one of these broad categories. 

And to make sure your business has a steady flow of new prospects and healthy sales, you want to integrate both types of marketing into your marketing strategy.

Integrating Multiple Channels

There are countless combinations of marketing channels that could bring your business the best results. 

It takes some time and analysis to figure out what combination is best for you.

As you can see, getting this right is critical.

Here are some common and successful integrated marketing channels that you could try for yourself.

Driving Online Traffic with Content Marketing and Paid Advertisements

Creating great content that is well optimized for search engines is a way to play the long game, but the upfront investment in high quality SEO optimized content can take some time to pay off. 

Once you get your content to rank in the search engines you could have years of sustained traffic. But it could take 9, 12 even 18 months of diligent effort to rank a website for highly competitive keywords. 

Organic content typically does rank and convert better in the long term, but this takes time that not every business can afford. 

Paid advertising can help drive readers to your site and draws attention to your content or offers in the short term.

With some simple content amplification campaigns to the right targeted audience your content can bring in sales and generate profits while your working to get your content to rank organically.

Social Advertising and Email Marketing

Email funnels are powerful tools for driving sales, but do require significant work to set up and manage. 

Especially when it comes to high ticket items, it can take months and countless emails to move a prospect through the stages of the buying cycle.

Building a list can get expensive and paying for high quality copywriters to develop email series gets pricey as well.

Even with great subject lines and awesome copy inside your open rate might be 30% (if your lucky).

One way to make the most out of your investment in email marketing is to coordinate key points in your campaign with social advertisements on social media.

You can set up campaigns to show ads promoting the exact same offers and promotions across multiple platforms while they are receiving the same message in their inbox.

By targeting your prospects across both channels, you keep your offer fresh in their mind and increase the chances of engagement and consequently your conversion rate.

Intent Based Search Ads with Retargeting Follow Up

If you’re investing in Google Search ads one of the best ways to make the most of your investment is to be sure you are following up with retargeting on multiple channels.

When you paying $3, $5, maybe even $10 a click in some cases you have to make sure you make the most of that investment.

Google Search Ads drive highly targeted traffic. So even if you pay to get the user to your website but they do not convert into a lead you can follow up with them through retargeting.

Retargeting ads allow you to stay top of mind and help prospects move to the next step after they expressed some interest in your offer but didn’t get around to making it to the next step.

Finding the Best ROI

Probably the best immediate optimization you can make to an existing marketing strategy is to look at your numbers, find the channel that provides the best ROI and boost it while cutting out underperforming methods.

Once you have found the methods that are working best for you, the process of optimization can begin. 

By focusing on testing and recalibrating your existing channels to make them work together it is possible to boost your conversion rates considerably.

In the end your marketing budget allocation will be spread out across multiple performing channels.

multi channel marketing campaigns

Of course, all of this requires that you begin with a strong understanding of your customer, where to find them and how to appeal to them. 

You want to rely on the data coming in from your campaigns to make the best decisions for your business (or hire an expert to help you).

Understand Your Needs and the Risks

You need to enter the process of building your new channels with a clear goal in mind.

This will help you determine what success looks like and calculate an accurate ROI.

It’s also important to find the right lead generation exerts to make sure you can execute a complicated strategy like this.

Making the investment to getting professional guidance can save you thousands in wasted advertising spend in the long run.

Creating high performing marketing channels is not an easy, quick or cheap endeavour. 

The important thing is to stick with it and you will be sure to build a customer acquiring machine for your business.


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