$294,507 in 2 Months! (My Best Facebook Ads Strategy)

by | Jan 8, 2023 | Facebook Advertising | 0 comments

Facebook ads costs are rising, and getting a high ROAS is becoming incredibly hard. But recently, I managed to make $294,507 in 2 months using a NEW Facebook ads strategy. Want to know how? Watch this video from my YouTube channel all the way till the end to learn my best strategy for Facebook ads 2023.

There are millions of ads being run on Facebook and Instagram right now and it’s become really tough to grab someone’s attention, let alone get a good return on your ad spend. Even with all of that, I managed to make one of my clients over $294,000 in the last couple of months using this new creative strategy. I’m gonna show you in this video right here. So do you wanna know what it is here? Let me tell you. So I call this our iterative testing process. One of the things that a lot of people do when they get started with Facebook ads is just where everybody starts with Facebook ads in the beginning, you just don’t know what’s going to work. So a lot of times we’ll start out with five totally different copies. We might start out with five or 10 different images. We might start out with five different headlines and we’re just gonna start testing these different elements on the ad.

But when we have those five different ads, one of the really important things, when we’re getting started, is we wanna make sure those are five wildly different ads that we could use to approach whoever it is that we are trying to get their attention online. And that’s just the beginning. So that’s where everybody gets started. Now here’s where our iterative testing process comes in. What a lot of people do, and what I arguably did when I first got started doing this was cool. We would find a winning ad and then we would dedicate a portion of our budget to going and trying to find the next ad. We wanna find the next big new idea that’s gonna go out there and outperform our control ad, the ad that’s doing best. And that’s still something that we do and we always allocate a little bit of our budget for the testing of these new things.

But the big thing that we have found that’s really helped us out a lot is what we start doing is coming up with very slight iterations of this best-winning ad. Because when you find a winning ad, you found a message that works, and you found a hook that works. The small changes we can make that can really add a lot of longevity to your ads are just changing. The first couple of sentences that show up on the preview text, if you look at a Facebook ad on mobile, there are only like three lines that show up before the little Seymour button. So if you tweak those little sentences right there, it can look like a different ad to somebody and it can look like it can really grab a different person’s attention. Once you find a winning ad, if you will test five or 10 different first sentences, and five or 10 different images, you could find an ad that dramatically outperforms the original ad that was working best.

The other cool thing is once you’ve got an ad that’s working and it starts fatiguing in performance, so what you’ll see with all ads is like they shoot off, they do really, really well. But then over time, especially on Facebook, maybe after week six, week eight, depending on how much money you’re spending, they kind of start to go down at performance. One way to get a nice little boost and get it going back to where it was is actually just changing out that first couple sentences in the creative because then to a person, it looks like something fresh, it looks like something new, but what if they actually read it? Then it’s got that same core messaging that’s working. And so the reason this has helped us make so much money is we have found ads that were really great ads that worked really well over a year ago and today we are still running some form of that exact same ad, but all we’ve changed is the actual creative. So what’s the image of the ad and what is that very first sentence? So what is that very first thing people see that makes ’em go, oh, I’m interested in this and I want to read the rest of this ad.

We’ve tested different types of images. We’ve tested doing little videos instead of images, and we’ve tried tweaking the headline that comes up below the image a little bit. But what we’ve been able to do is get this one ad that we wrote over a year ago to still continue to perform extremely well when you’re getting started with Facebook ads. But we wanna come up with five wildly different angles in the very beginning. Of course, we wanna have a portion of our budget and our resources, but the big thing that’s helped us is adding on this iterative testing process where what we’re doing is we’re taking that one angle, that one core idea that we’ve seen work extremely well and all we’re trying to do is kind of change the wrapper on it cuz we know the messaging works cuz we’re profitable, we’re making money, right?

So that is resonating with our core audience. We just need to get someone who saw that first ad a few times that decided like, oh, this wasn’t for me to think, Hey, this is a different ad and all we have to do is change that first sentence because again, on Facebook ads, we just need to figure out how to capture their attention there with a different first sentence and then a different actual creative image so it pops up differently on the screen and it actually looks like something new. You can make your best ads last almost forever, not literally forever, but they can last for such a long time. Again, we used to go through ads, like every two months because Facebook burns through ads a lot quicker. But with this process, we’ve been able to get winning ads and just keep running them for over a year.

All right, so I’m super glad you watched this video and got to check this out. Now you know what you can do with your Facebook ad creatives in order to make them last as long as possible and really get the most out of every single ad that you create. The thing is having great creatives doesn’t help you nearly as much as it could if your campaigns aren’t optimized correctly. So if you will check out this video right here, I will show you exactly how we optimize our campaigns for conversions. So click on this video right here and I will show you how right over.


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