The Direct Response Marketing Playbook for Facebook Ads

by | Jun 27, 2019 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

facebook ads cold traffic

Are you trying to figure out how you can scale your marketing campaigns and get more sales and customers with Facebook ads?

This playbook here is going to show you the same action plan that we use to help scale customer acquisition funnels to half a million dollars in revenue and beyond. All while profitably bringing in new customers on a consistent daily basis.

If you’ve been scratching your head trying to figure out what it takes to really invest in social advertising and profit, this article could crack that code for you

How to Make Facebook Ads Actually Work For Your Business

There is a lot to making Facebook ads work.

Facebook has made it so easy for anyone business to jump online and throw up an ad. 

But getting it right takes way more than just a few minutes of button pushing.

The reason our system works so well is because it’s based on fundamental human psychology about how people buy and applying it to these new digital platforms.

It all starts with the “Marketing Triangle”

What we need to determine is the right message / market / media match for your marketing funnel.

And since we already know what the media is going to be (Facebook), the key focus is making sure we are getting the right message in front of the right person.

This is the most important part about getting Facebook ads to start working.

We need to know exactly who your best customers are…

We have to know what they want to buy…

We need to know what motivates your buyer…

Getting this information involves digging into customer profiles, competitor research, audience research and some creative brainstorming.

When we have that information we can come up with compelling ads that speak to your ideal customer about the problems they are having now and introduce your product as a solution.

Making Sure Your Ads Are Profitable

Once we know who we are speaking to, and what we are going to say to them, we can then sit down and “math out” your funnel to find the metrics that we must hit to be profitable.

The basic economics of what is going to make your campaign work is CPA < AOV.

Meaning, when your Cost per Acquisition is less than your Average Order Value we have a profitable funnel we can invest heavily into.

Many companies will aim to break even on the front end of customer acquisition to make their profit on the back end.

Typically we will shoot for a 2:1 return, so that for every $1 you put into Facebook we want to get $2 of profit back.

Rolling Out Your Ad Campaigns

facebook ads cold traffic

Now at this stage we’ve done all the research, we know exactly what numbers we need to hit to be profitable, and it’s time to launch your ads.

Here’s one of the big secrets about Facebook ads:

About 20% of the time, the ads will work exactly how you want right out the gate. You make money on day one.

And if that happens, great! We can start to scale.

The other 80% of the time, this is a process of testing & iterations. 

You’re going to discover how to make strategic changes to your ads and your marketing funnel based on your testing data so you can improve the results from both and make your campaign profitable. 

Each sales funnel is a series of steps like chain, and we can find the weak link in the chain and optimize it over and over to increase the profitability and keep costs in line.

The key here is to have detailed tracking set up at every step so we can collect data and measure what’s happening during your ad campaigns.

We’re long past the days when you would invest money into marketing and then check your bank account to see how much money you made without any other knowledge about what worked. 

You can now track every lead, every interaction, every dollar in your business to see what’s happening inside.

That is how you optimize and scale a campaign over time.

Supercharging Your Sales Funnel To Increase Conversions

Once the traffic campaigns are on and you have leads bringing new people into the top of your funnel, the next thing we do is set up retargeting through the entire funnel.

Just like with email marketing, you can use retargeting to move people through your sales funnel convert into customers and repeat buyers.

And you can supercharge your funnel with video retargeting that is timed and aligned with the same message inside your email series. 

We also retarget leads with testimonials from past clients and show client success stories to help overcome any objections about buying your product.

And you are not limited to only Facebook for retargeting. 

Google has great retargeting options to help move people through the sales funnel as well.

Scaling Up Your Sales Funnel

The most important part of all of this is having a sales funnel that can convert highly targeted clicks into customers and getting the right message in front of the right person.

Once your sales funnel is consistently turning $1 into $2, it’s time to start scaling out the campaign.

Facebook has some great options for scaling out ad campaigns.

Because Facebook is a machine learning algorithm, the more recorded sales it has the more it can optimize to find more people like that to get into the funnel.

direct response marketing facebook advertising

We use “lookalike audiences,” which allows us to tap into Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence, to go out and find more prospects that fit your ideal client profile that are already converting.

We also create new message angles and creatives to diversify what prospects are seeing online so that they keep seeing your brand everywhere without seeing the same creative over and over.

Keeping the ads fresh make sure people don’t start ignoring your ads.

And finally, we don’t just stop with Facebook. 

Once you have a proven funnel that converts there are other traffic networks like Google, YouTube and Bing that are incredible sources of new customers with the right strategy.

Wrapping Up

This strategy has worked for dozens of companies that we have worked with. 

It isn’t easy, but once you have a winning campaign your ability to scale your business is unlike anything that has ever been available for businesses before.

But, if this looks like it’s too much for you or you just don’t have the time to become a paid traffic expert yourself, let us handle this for you.

We specialize in direct-response marketing campaigns and we can guide you through this process to making Facebook ads work for your business.

What we need from you:

  1. Proven marketing funnel that can convert highly targeted clicks into customers
  2. Full tracking set up in your funnel
  3. 1/2 a day to set up your strategy and get everything we need from you to launch your funnel

If you have any questions just comment below.

And remember share if you got value out of this article so that we can keep making more of it.

Have a good one!


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