How To Buy As Many Customers As You Ever Wanted

by | Aug 8, 2022 | Building An Online Business | 0 comments

If you want to profitably scale with paid ads and buy as many customers as you ever wanted there are 4 systems you need to nail.

In this video from my YouTube channel, I dive deep into those 4 systems and how you can optimize each one of them independently so you can profitably spend money on advertising and grow your business.

So once you get your offer or your product set up, and you’re at the point to where you just need more eyeballs on your offer, like you’re getting sales, you’ve got happy customers. You just need to figure out how to get more people to this thing. Paid advertising is an amazing way to do that. The challenge that most people run into is they just get to a point to where they can’t profitably spend, uh, money on advertising because at the end of the day with advertising, like, what you’re trying to do is you’re trying to put money into the machine and get enough money out of the machine that it makes it worth your while, right? Like you’re not just breaking even, but you’re actually making money and you’re growing your business and, and you’re profitable and you’re making margin and all of that stuff.

So how do you do that? Well, that’s what we’re gonna talk about in this video right here, because there’s really like four systems that you need to nail. If you want to be able to profitably scale with paid ads. And actually we’re gonna talk about in this, in this video is, is more like the business owner edition, um, because we’re not gonna get into the ad platform and talking about what buttons to push and all of that stuff. We’re just gonna talk about these four systems. And, and the reality is like, most people miss two of these and because they miss two of these, they can’t scale. And what they find is they can spend a little bit of money every month, but once they try to start scaling everything just kind of breaks. And that’s probably cuz they’re, they’re not optimizing each one of these systems independently.

And then once you, you hear how about all of these work, you’ll see how these all kind of work together. And so that’s what we’re gonna talk about in this video right here. So let’s, uh, jump into it really quick. If you don’t know me already, my name is Brice and I’ve helped dozens of businesses with getting these systems set up in their business. So, um, we’ve helped dozens of companies generate multiple six figures using, uh, what I’m gonna share with you in this video. And we’ve had, uh, a few clients come in and generate over a million dollars using everything. I’m gonna show you in this video. And again, what we’re gonna look at like is this really high level overview. So if you’re like the business owner, an offer owner, um, you’re trying to figure out how to, how to run paid ads to grow your business.

Hopefully what this is gonna do is give you some insight into how you can structure things, uh, and think about the systems in your business. But with that being said, like the first, most important one, obvious one is your traffic system, right? And this is where you’re actually just going out and buying ads on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, whatever platform it is. Of course there are a lot of technical things with this. That’s why media buying is an entire career in itself, right? You’ve gotta understand how these platforms work and all of that stuff. But as a business owner, an offer owner, if you are the person who is developing product, maybe you’re not the one actually running ads. But you’re the one trying to make sure that you are successful with whoever you are getting to run your ads, whether that’s a team member of yours or you’re hiring agency or whatever, that is really the most important thing to think about.

And the most important thing for you to understand is like there’s really three giant levers when it comes to what you’re doing on the ad platform. And that is, uh, what is the audience that you are targeting? What is the offer that you’re promoting them? And, uh, what are your creatives? Because at the end of the day, uh, if you don’t have a great offer and really great ads, you could have the greatest media buyer in the world, running your ads. You’re just not gonna be profitable. Like it’s just not gonna work. You’ve gotta have a great offer and you’ve gotta have really good creatives. And so if you can focus on those things and you can give those to any competent advertiser or media buyer, you will probably get pretty good results with that really, when it comes down to like the audience, a lot of it comes down to just making sure that you are marketing to a group of people who, uh, have the problem that you solve, want to solve that like have the financial capability of solving that problem and have a history of buying solutions of that problem.

Because if you’re trying to market, uh, really expensive products, people that don’t have money, right? You just gotta mismatch. It’s just not gonna work. And so that’s kind of the big thing of what the audience is like, just make sure you’re marketing to a good audience that historically buys this kind of stuff and has the financial capability of doing it with your offer. Like, what it comes down to is, is having a really good offer that provides really good results and also having some way that you can position it as different than what the other options are in the marketplace. What I’ve found through many years of doing of marketing and advertising is it’s much easier to sell. Something is different than better because people just notice contrast. And so if you’re not one of the first people to a market, you’re not one of the first people with a solution, then people will naturally geared towards going with someone who they’ve already heard about or has more results or more experience or whatever that is because they just have more notoriety in a space oftentimes.

And so if you can position your thing is a different, a new opportunity. That’s way easier to sell than, Hey, this is the same opportunity as this other guy, but we just do it better. Right? I’ve learned that through many years of learning that the hard way. And then at the end of the day, it’s like creatives. Like, can you come up with really interesting creative ways to describe people’s attention? A really good example of this that I can think of recently is like actually Alex Becker’s high roast programs. He had an offer, like he had a product that was very different than what anyone else had on the marketplace because not a lot of people were doing this. There were a few people that were doing it, uh, with that type of software, with like the ad tracking software, but they weren’t really pushing it that hard on media buyers like Alex was.

And then the other thing too, was like they had an audience that just had money to spend and needed this solution. There was a really direct attributable ROI to what they were doing. So all he really needed to do was come up with some good creative ads, get people’s attention. And he was able to scale that software quite quickly. You can see a lot of these examples where it’s like a new, different opportunity. You find an audience of people who are needing to solve that problem, paying to solve that type, those types of problems and have the money to buy it and come with some creative ads. And you’re good to go. Now, if you get this traffic system, right, and what you’re doing is you are now spending money on ads. You are getting impressions, you are getting clicks. What do you do well, like you’re not sending people to the homepage of your website, right?

So you’ve gotta have like your conversion system. And this is basically your, this is your sales funnel, right? So what is the system that you are gonna sell people to the customer journey you’re gonna design for paid ads? One of the big mistakes that I see a lot of companies make is what they do is they have something working for like organic traffic, right? Whether that is SEO or social media or whatever it is, they just try to take that thing and then go run ads to it. And that inevitably causes problems because the context that somebody has coming off of a paid ad is very different than someone coming from organic, right? Where they’re like searching you online, trying to Google problems, and then finding your brand and reading you online and all this stuff they’re coming off a click. And they probably never heard of you before and you have three seconds to capture their attention.

And so you’ve really gotta design that experience for someone coming off of paid ads. What that means is we don’t run lead magnets. We don’t run trip wires. We don’t run email funnels. We don’t really like doing challenges or product launches, cuz those cause some other issues really like it these days, the only two types of funnels that we run for, for clients at my agency are either like low tickets, self liquidating offers or just high ticket sales call funnels. Those are really the only two that we’ll touch. I’ll put a link I think in this corner where I’ll break down like some of the, these funnels, but really what it comes down to is like either you run people to a low ticket offer and you use order bumps and upsales to maximize that average order value. And then you monetize that on the back end with high ticket offers or you just skip that process all together because you can, or however you want to.

And then you just run people straight to like a VSL or a webinar that then gets people on the phone with a sales team and go straight for a high ticket sale. Those are really the two best ways to do it because with the self liquidating offer, you are ideally breaking even to acquire paying customers. And then you can send them into high ticket offers over time. And with a high ticket sales call funnel, your margins are just big enough so that, you know, if you’re selling a 5k offer and you’re spending $2,000 to acquire a customer that works out pretty well. You know, so those are really the only two funnels that will run at my agency these days for clients. Just because those are the two that we see work best. And again, it’s just taking this conversion system and designing it for paid ads.

So oftentimes what we’ve seen with other clients is like, they’ve got a lot of content. They’re doing social media, maybe they’re doing some outreach, they’ve got this stuff working. So a lot of their messaging is already there. It’s just a matter of like taking what’s working for them and designing one of these funnels specifically for paid ads so that we can run traffic from any ad platform into these funnels and actually convert those people into customers. So those two, now you’ve got like your traffic system and you’ve got your conversion system, your sales funnel with those two alone, you can easily be doing 10 30, even 50 K a month, just optimizing those two things, which is a really awesome place to be. But if you wanna scale to like a hundred thousand dollars a month with paid ads, you’ve gotta add in these other two systems.

And again, these are two that a lot of companies miss, uh, because they just get really focused on like their ads and their sales funnel. And actually honestly, from what I’ve seen is most people build a sales funnel once they never touch it again, they never optimize it. And then they just focus on their ads. And so we wanna focus on all four of these together. So the next one here is your nurturing system. And this is what do you do with all the leads that you’re generating that aren’t actually buying from you? Because even if you have killer conversion rates, the reality is 95% of the people who come through your advertising are not gonna buy from you. That’s just what the numbers look like. A sales call funnel with a really great convers rate is gonna convert less than 5% of the people who come through the funnel.

That’s just how the economics work, right? What you can do is build a nurturing system so that you can actually convert more of those leads over a longer period of time. The reason why is there’s this old rule. I think I heard this from Joe Polish a while ago, which was like the 85 15 rule, which is basically stating that in any given market, 15% of those people are going have a problem that you solve and are going to purchase a solution in the near future. The other 85% of the people have that problem. It’s just not so pressing that they’re going to solve that problem right now. And they’re going to solve that problem. They’re gonna pay to solve that problem sometime after 90 days, which means they’re going to go out and spend money with either you or your competitors after 90 days from now to solve the problem that you solve.

So the question becomes, how can you make sure that you stay top of mind and when it’s time for them to solve that problem, you are one of the brands that enter into their consideration and then ultimately become the one that they choose to work with. And the best way to do that is just nurturing people with content and email. What you could have happen is imagine over this 90 days, if instead of someone opting into your funnel and never hearing from you or getting one email a month, and then at the end of you know, three months, they’ve gotten three emails through, they didn’t open any of them and they just go off and search a different solution. Imagine instead you have been creating content, you’ve been doing regular weekly videos or blog posts or something. You’ve been emailing that out to your email list.

You also email them stories and client success stories and all of this stuff. You’re emailing two or three times a week. They read your emails. After 90 days, they’ve watched six hours of your content online. They attended, attended a free training that you put together, all of this stuff so that once it’s time for them to make a decision, they not only do they think about you, but they pick up the phone and they’ve already consumed eight hours of your content, and they’re just ready to buy, like, that’s this, that’s the system that we want to create with this nurturing system. And it’s not terribly hard to do it just again, it’s a system that you have to build and, and maintain. And so what this looks like for a lot of our clients and, you know, with the clients we work with and we do this ourselves is we create regular content, right?

It’s usually like a weekly video or a weekly article or something like this. And then we email that out to the list. And then we also just email them, you know, client success, stories, insights about the industry and just opportunities to remind them, Hey, whenever you’re ready, let’s jump on the phone and we’ll help you solve this problem. All of these things that we do. And we email two to three times a week, so that puts together, you know, eight to 12 emails a month. And that’s our way of staying in touch with them. And the nice thing about this is what ends up happening is your paid ads feeds your organic channels because people are finding about you through paid ads and then following you online. And then your organic is feeding your paid because when people go online and see your ads and they start searching for you because people are smart and they do that now, you know, they just start searching for your brand name and all this stuff.

They just go find your organic channels. And that helps increase the conversion rates on your paid. You’ve got these two systems working together. And a lot of people think like it’s either paid or organic. And the reality is both work really well when you do them together and all really good businesses do both of these. That’s how you can build a nurturing system that will inevitably convert more people over time. So that what ends up happening is as you convert more customers over a longer period of time, if you look at the return on investment from your campaigns over a six month period, what you’ll see is that your average value per lead is going up, which means you can inevitably spend more to acquire a customer, which is again what you want with paid advertising. So these three systems will get you a hundred K a month.

I’ve seen it happen multiple times where companies come in, they’re not doing any one of these. We get them set up with paid ads. We get them the right funnel. We get all that converting. We set up their nurturing system. And within six months we’re doing 60, 70, 80 K a month. We even hit a hundred K months just with these three systems. Now this very last one is the one that is a really big lever that a lot of companies can pull. You have to build this system in itself but once you get this down, I mean, you can just really maximize the lifetime value of your customers and that’s your Ascension system. So how do you take someone that buys your front end offer and ascend them into your backend offers? And so what this usually looks like for most companies online, especially like the information education space is like, they usually have like a front end course or a product, or, you know, maybe a front end mastermind, something like this.

And that costs anywhere from two to 10 K and then they have a backend offer. And that is usually like a backend mastermind or more services or done for you services or anything like that. And that costs, you know, anywhere from 1525 to 45, $50,000. And maybe that’s like, you know, maybe the front first, the front end course or something is 90 days. And the back end one is 12 months or the front end one is, you know, some level of support and access. And the next one is a higher level supportive access. But what you’ve got is you’ve got these two systems. Now, what you can do when you think about it from a paid advertising perspective, and you’re just using the economics in your favor is inevitably what happens is if you spent $2,000 to acquire a customer and they spent $3,500 with you on your front end thing, if you ascend that person into a $15,000 backend product, then what you’ve just done is turned the value of that customer from $3,500 to $18,500.

But you already paid to acquire that customer. So you still just spent the $2,000 to acquire that customer. So all you’re doing is just really maximizing the lifetime value of that customer. And so again, once you start to look at your campaigns at a six month time span, and when you only have a very small percentage of these people take you up on your backend offers that maximizes the investment that you’ve made on that campaign. And really GI again, gives you the ability to spend more, to acquire customers and stay profitable as ad costs are going up and all of this stuff, because you’ve got an, a small percentage of people who are optimizing into like ascending into these backend products. And again, just, it’s just an economics thing, right? So let’s say you get a hundred customers again, like one more example, you got a hundred customers at 5k and you have 35% of them take you up on a backend offer for 15 K.

What you’ve just done is doubled the revenue that you’ve received from those 100 people without spending an extra dollar on advertising. Because again, you already paid to acquire those customers. Imagine if it’s, you know, you put a hundred thousand dollars in, and instead of making $300,000, you make $600,000. You don’t have to do anything on the ad side. You don’t even have to do anything like anything with that system. It’s just maximizing that backend. I know it’s like easier said than done for some people because it’s like developing new product or figuring out what that higher Ascension level is. And that definitely takes a lot of thought and effort and, and putting the support team to make sure you can deliver that value and all of that stuff. But from what I’ve seen with my clients that have implemented this strategy in their business, oftentimes these are like their favorite programs to work in because what inevitably comes is like your most successful students, your happiest clients, your happiest customers, the people that enjoy working with most and the people who are getting so much results that they want to spend more time with you and give you more money to get better results.

Right? And so most of them that, that I’ve seen really enjoy working with them because this becomes their highest level of customer. And again, usually these are like masterminds or more support, or some of them are done for you services and all of that stuff. At the end of the day, they’re they’re people who are excited to work with you. And what we can do is by adding that level of support, we’re just putting the economics in our favor so that when ad costs go up in December, in Q4 every single year, right? Because ads always get expensive at the end of the year. You’re not hyperfocused on, I can’t afford to run advertising during this time of year because it’s just getting so expensive. You’re just like, cool. My backend is making up for this. And that’s how I’m gonna afford to keep spending to buy our customers right now.

And I’m going to just make it up on the back end. Those are the four systems, right? We’ve got our traffic, the traffic system. We’ve got our conversion system, which is our sales funnel. We’ve got our nurturing system and then we’ve got our Ascension system. And again, if you, the business owner or the offer owner can think about all four of these systems, what inevitably ends up happening is yes, you’re, you’re going to a traffic team, right. And you’re working with them to make sure you have the best creatives and really optimizing your offers on the front end. But then you can also think about, okay, cool. Well, how great is my sales funnel converting? Is that, are those numbers hitting correctly? And usually a good media buyer or a good advertising team can help you with that. But then you can also think of like, how is my nurturing system?

Like how many of these Le what is the time that it takes for someone to convert into a customer? And how many people are we staying in touch with are converting over a two to six month period. What does that look like? And then also you can look at your Ascension system. So it’s like, okay, cool. Now that we’re getting all these front end customers, what could we look at offering? Or how can we help maximize the value of those customers that we’ve already paid for? Because inevitably to what ends up happening is you end up having people who are like, I really like working with you. How can I work with you more? Right. And that’s when you’ll see this like natural option to ascend people into a higher level of support and a higher level of service working with you.

Hopefully this is like a good high level insight on all four of these systems. And my hope is that you can take these and start to think about pulling each one of these levers in your business. So that, again, you’re not left in a position to where you’re thinking, oh man, like ad costs are going up. How can I increase the click through rate on my campaign so that my cost per click goes down a little bit and, you know, we can keep running ads because if that’s the game you’re playing and you’re just constantly trying to keep ad costs down on the ad platform, it’s gonna be a long, challenging battle. Right. But if you really think about all these together and think about man, okay, how can we keep, obviously keep our ad costs on the platform down cuz we have great creatives and we’ve got really good offers and we’re, we’re marketing to a really good audience, but also how can we maximize conversions through our sales funnel? How can we look at all the leads that we’re generating that we’re not converting and make sure we’re converting more of those people. And then how can we just maximize the value from the customers that we’ve already got right now? That’s all I’ve got hopefully you found this video helpful and insightful. If you have any questions, please just feel free to drop them down in the comments below and I’ll catch you on another video.



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