Working With Ad Agencies: Make Sure You Own Your Own Data

by | Sep 14, 2021 | Building An Online Business | 0 comments

make sure you own your own data

Video Transcript

If you are getting ready to hire an agency to work with you, I have one piece of advice that I think is super important. And honestly the reason I’m making this is because I’ve told this to so many people, but I still talk to people all the time about this. I had a call this week with another, potential client who was running to the same issue. And it comes down to this whenever you are getting ready to hire an agency, someone to do work with you is super important that you have it very clear that you own everything that you are paying for. What do I mean by this? So I just talked to a client who was working with the previous agency. They worked together for about a year. They did really good. They were super happy with everything.

But at the end of the year, they decided that they wanted to end their contract with that agency. And what that agency did was they took the ad account. They took the pixel, they took everything and they said, “We own this.” “You don’t own any of this work that we did.” “We will send you some reports about the results that you got. ” And that’s it. And so what this company is left to do is they have a year where they were investing money to get results with their marketing campaign, with their advertising campaigns. And at the end of that year, since they are no longer work at that company, they have to start over and I’ve seen this happen so many times.

I’ve talked to so many companies that have run into this, where they have worked with an agency and that agency kind of considers all of the work that they’re doing, their intellectual property or whatever that is. And so at the end of the contract agreement, they will either confiscate the ad account, confiscate the pixel, they’ll say, this is ours. You don’t own this. Or what they’ll do is they’ll just go into the ad account, delete everything, and then say, Hey, you know, there you go. You’re good to go. And so this obviously is a huge problem for the business owner. You as a business owner, you as the person who is trying to grow your business, because a huge part of what you are investing in is not only the short term short short-term results of getting new customers and generating leads and sales for your business, but you’re also investing in the longterm of the learnings of what you were investing in.

Also when you have an ad account and a pixel, and today’s kind of AI machine driven world, there is also a lot of value in like that pixel knowing who your customers are, being able to optimize and go find more people like that. And so all of this to say, if you are getting into working with an agency, it’s super important that you own all of that and that that belongs to you when you’re done. So I made a video, I’ll put a link up here. I think somewhere in this corner about like different things you should consider when you’re looking to hire an agency. But this is probably one of the most important ones. Because again, if you get to the end of a contract and you don’t own any of the work that you’ve done, then you are left to start over the next time.

You try to go at this or trying to move forward. And I think that’s not a good way to do business. I think there are a lot of agencies that don’t do it this way, but there are a lot of agencies that do do it this way. And it’s a challenge for you as the person trying to grow your business. So again, when you’re getting ready to get started with an agency, or you’re getting ready to start with anybody there working with anybody think long-term and like make sure that you are the person who owns everything you do. So any of the clients we work with, like we put it in the contract, you know, Hey, you own everything that we’re doing together. If we create ads, your ads, we create graphics. Those are your graphics that we create landing pages. Those are your landing pages.

If we start a new ad account and train a pixel that all belongs to you, the only thing we ask for is if we get great results, you know, we want to make a case study and talk about the work that we’ve done, but like you own everything. And I think you should look for the same. So, just keep an eye out for that. If you were thinking about hiring an agency, hopefully you get a chance to check out this video. First, if you want to know a couple of other things to think about, check out this video up here somewhere. That is a, that’s what I got. That’s my advice. I hope that this helps you serves you well, if you’ve ran into this issue in the past, and you’re not alone, I talk to people pretty regularly who have dealt with this issue.

It’s very common. I find with like Facebook ads, can happen with Google ads as well. Some people who are doing SEO and they’re renting all of the links from people. So when they stop paying all the links go away, like it’s, it’s just, it’s not super uncommon in the marketing world. But I think it’s something you should look out for because you want to find people you can work with, who are helping you invest in the long-term growth of your company, not short-term gains.


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