Will Facebook Ads Die in 2023?

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Facebook Advertising | 0 comments

In this video from my YouTube channel, I dive into if Facebook ads are dead and no longer effective and why some notable people are saying this. I have managed millions of dollars on Facebook, and have helped dozens of companies figure out what traffic platforms they need to be running on. So let me give you my two cents on it here.

I have talked to so many people in the last couple of months who have told me Facebook ads are dead. Facebook ads don’t convert anymore. Facebook ads suck. You shouldn’t even be running Facebook ads. Now, I have managed millions of dollars on Facebook, and I have helped dozens of companies figure out what traffic platforms they need to be running on. So let me give you my 2 cents on it here. So why are people even saying that Facebook ads don’t work? Well? Notably, there’s been a bunch of big names in the space, Sam Ovens being a really big one who has just said like, Facebook ads are dead. You shouldn’t even run them anymore, and they’ve just given up on running Facebook ads. Another one is after iOS 14, a lot of companies have had problems with tracking their campaigns and getting their campaigns to optimize the same ways they used to.

I mean, Facebook ads definitely don’t work the same way that they do a year or two years ago. Facebook ads are also way more expensive than they used to be. And then account shutdowns are major issues. People wake up and just have huge revenue streams in their businesses shut down, and that is super damaging for businesses. So these are all the reasons that people keep saying that you shouldn’t be doing Facebook ads anymore. Now, I would still say that they’re definitely still working. I mean, we’ve got clients that are turning anywhere from three to four XS on their ads. So if we put $20,000 into the ad machine, we are getting anywhere from 60 to $80,000, sometimes even a hundred thousand dollars a month off of that $20,000 in ad spend. Facebook ads are definitely still working. The big question becomes how do you make them work for you and how can you reduce your liabilities and reduce your risks so that if something happens on Facebook, you are not 100% dependent on Facebook.

The biggest thing that I have seen over the last couple of years that makes Facebook ads actually work for people is being willing to adjust your actual sales strategy and your funnel strategy in order to make your ads work. The big thing here is that Facebook ads are simply a vehicle, right? It is a vehicle to get a message in front of a person. And if the issue is that your ad costs are going up or the targeting isn’t as used to be, or the algorithm can’t find the right people to target like it used to be, you might actually have to make some adjustments to your sales process in order to make that work. So a big one that I saw over the last year was like getting away from webinars. We saw so many companies that were running webinars, that were selling courses that were less than $2,000 like the Business BIS op space.

And a lot of companies didn’t make it through that big change with iOS 14 because they kept trying to run the same webinar that they used to at the same price point. The companies that we saw adjust really well were companies that ditch the webinar, increased their price points so they could actually afford to spend more to acquire a customer, and started building internal sales teams so that instead of just expecting someone to show up on a sales page and pay ’em $2,000, they’re actually getting people on the phone following up with people and then selling them over the phone on a higher price point. What did that mean? It meant their conversion rates went up. It meant they were getting more feedback from their customers when they were talking to them on the phone and recording those sales calls. Those are the kind of big changes people had to make to make it through a lot of these iOS 14 changes. Now, what you can do with your ads is really focus on your creative strategy. This is another big area where I see a lot of companies get this wrong, is what they do is they run up and they test a bunch of ads and then they figure out what ad is working. And then a lot of what they’re doing is just recycling that ad and maybe saying the same thing in a different way

Or testing different images or something like that. And they don’t really have like a cohesive strategy to figure out what’s working, how to optimize those ads, and make them even better. So they’re trying to beat that control with a similar variation of that ad. And then also making sure that they’ve got brand new ideas that they’re getting out there and testing and really coming up with new angles, new messaging that they can use in order to scale their ads. Because we kind of got away for a really long time when the algorithm was really good with not having to be the best on the creative side. One, there just weren’t as many people running ads. Two, the algorithm was just way better at getting us in front of people that just spend money online. So we had better conversions, but now we’ve got less control over the algorithm.

We’ve got less targeting, the tracking’s gotten worse for Facebook, and there are more people running ads. So there’s more competition, which means we just have to be better marketers. We’ve gotta do better creatives, we gotta have a better creative strategy. We gotta better have a better process for coming up with new ideas, getting them out into the world, testing them, figuring out what works, figuring out what is our best ad, and then beating that ad over and over and over again. The very last thing that we really need to make sure we can do going forward is to make sure that we have systems to send good data back to Facebook. So again, back when I was 14, when we just had the Facebook pixel, all we had to do was set up that Facebook pixel, and Facebook could get so much data on everybody. But now after I was 14, and with all the privacy updates that are going to be coming down the pipeline in the future, Facebook just has fewer data that it can use to optimize our campaigns.

And part of what we need to do as marketers is figure out a better way to send data back to the platform. Now, what that definitely means for everybody is setting up conversion API tracking, their Capy tracking, so we can send browser-side and server-side events back over to Facebook. The other thing that we have found to be super important and what we’ve done for all of our clients is setting up some kind of third-party tracking system. So now we’re not just using the Facebook pixel and their CAPI integration, but we’re now using a third-party platform to capture data on our customers, and we’re using an API to send that data back to Facebook because the better we can send data back to Facebook, the better it can optimize. And I’m completely convinced that the future of advertising, as it becomes more automated and they take away more targeting, it becomes more of a black box on their end.

It’s really gonna come down to two things. It’s gonna come down to who can make the best ads, and it’s gonna come down to who is the best at sending data back to the platform so that the platform has all the data that it needs to optimize its campaigns. You’ve got the absolute best creatives out there, and then you’re just working on your sales process in your funnel strategy in order to make sure you’ve got the best, most optimized funnel for the kind of traffic you’re getting in the type of environment that you’re getting it from in the market that you’re in with the market sophistication level that you have and the price point that you’re running at. I mean, that’s what it’s gonna come down to. Now, as I’ve just told you, your actual creative strategy is the most important part of running Facebook ads. And so if you wanna see the creative strategy that I use with my customers, one that generated one of my clients nearly $300,000 in sales, go ahead and check out this video right here because I will break down that exact creative strategy right over here for you. So I will see you.


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